Donate Prize and Raffle Items

Prize and Raffle donation Information

We will proudly display your donation at our event and through our social media platforms.  There are several different ways to donate.  If you are unable to donate a prize, please consider whether an underwriting donation would be a good fit for your company.  In previous years, we have awarded thousands in prizes!


  • Raffle Prizes: Large value items (valued at $500 or greater)
  • Bingo Prizes: Item(s) to be given to the winner of one round of Bingo (typically 6 rounds of Bingo are played at the event)
  • Prizes for 10: You win and the table wins! Ten small, identical prizes are awarded to the table of the Bingo round winner for the winner’s table members.

Print & Return to: Nicole Johnson, 218 Wiltshire Ave., San Antonio, Texas 78209, or underwrite online at www.sathetabingo.comWe would prefer to receive any underwriting and/or prize donations by February 27, 2023.

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Please provide the following details about You and/or Your Company

Name: ______________________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

Email: ____________________________     Phone: ____________________________

ITEM TO DONATE                       

Best Contact Person for Prize Pickup: ________________________________________________

Details of the prize description for the donation: ____________________________________



Value of the Prize: $_______________________________

Need Item Picked Up __________                        Mailing Item __________

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